All of us have experienced or used resonance in nature. Perhaps the most familiar use is a swing. As children we discover quickly that the best time for a push is at the top of the swing cycle. At that point the energy applied amplifies or resonates with the fundamental energy present in the swing. By the use of resonance we achieve higher levels than what we experienced previously with our innocent joy.
We use the properties of resonance in all of our modern communication systems. Our ability to probe nature at the atomic level is based upon an ability to develop receivers that vibrate or are activated at certain resonant frequencies. These probes have certain resonance capacities or sensitivities. We use sensitive receivers to tune into various radio or television broadcasts.
We often use resonance to work more easily or effectively, doing a lot with an energetic “little”. We use resonance in any type of relational activity. Resonance is synergy in motion. During such, the energies of the common resonant frequencies are intensified for all resonance identities involved. A collective aspect of sympathetic resonance can be seen where identities manifest as wave distributions of diverse sub-identities. While certain general rules may apply, for any given collective these rules can be dynamic, non-linear and non-absolute.
For example, consider the theatre. As a new world appears on the stage in a darkened room the audience becomes one, immersed in the story as it unfolds. It breathes, gasps, laughs, and cries at the appropriate time as though the fiction is real. The same is true in a concert hall where various tonal configurations evoke collective melancholy or joy. The same thing happens for many in an ashram, synagogue, mosque or church. It happens in a football stadium or at a rock concert.
Resonance implies a common association. “It rang true for me”, is a form of synergy where we talk about being on the “same wavelength”. Each resonate experience will vary for each individual based on their own perspective. During collective resonance, the complex frequencies of the individuals aren’t the same but only similar in respect to the common or group resonance – the whole. Collective resonance is a form of resonance where the individual wave functions are distributed across the whole and contain within them individual points of view, contributing to final holographic form.